Apr 2020


Who would have thought that in 2020 we would experience so much in such a short time.
2019/20 has been a roller coaster!
I closed my art studio/gallery, Milton retired from the farm, I turned 60, got married, bought a house on the South Coast, sold a house in Leeton, moved to Dolphin Point, experienced the bushfires and now the virus.
We are now in day 15 of our isolation.
We are so lucky to have such an amazing spot to walk and watch the world go by.
My days consist of walks, reading, painting, cooking and news updates.
Cooking is dangerous as someone has to eat it!
I am enjoying my sunny studio with an outlook to the tropical garden which has been inspiration for recent paintings.
I can walk into the studio, turn on a podcast and get lost in some inky play on paper or experiment with the many canvases I have stacked in my garage.
The art business was always busy, entering art shows, keeping up with website and social media, carting artwork to the framer and courier, attending art shows, hosting workshops and painting .
These crazy times have put a hold on a lot of this and has given me time to stop and take a breath. 
Although it will be difficult I think we will look back on this time and remember it as not only a tragic event but one we will learn from.
We have no idea how long this will last but I look forward to adjusting the way I bring my art to you, through online workshops and exhibitions.
Take care everyone and stay safe.